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Post Op Instructions – Teeth Cleaning

Scaling or teeth cleaning is a non-surgical dental procedure aimed at removing plaque, tartar and stains from your teeth and under the gum line. Regular teeth cleaning is required to make sure that your tooth supporting structures i.e gum and bones remain healthy otherwise it may lead to loosening and eventual loss of teeth.

As dental cleaning is one of the most common procedures done, I am therefore sharing some tips on do and don'ts after dental cleaning that will ensure speedy and uneventful recovery.


Common Experiences that may or may not occur after the procedure includes:

  • Teeth Sensitivity
  • Bleeding or redness of the gums at certain areas
  • Abnormal weird empty feeling or feeling of increased gaps in between teeth especially if chunks of deposits were removed.

Oral Hygiene Instructions after Teeth Cleaning or Dental Scaling:

1. Do not smoke for 24-48 hours as it interferes with the healing process.

2. After 24 hours of cleaning, start with oral rinses using lukewarm water and salt atleast 4-5 times a day. (200 ml water + 1/4th teaspoon of salt)

3. Continue brushing and flossing twice a day. You may observe slight bleeding but this will reduce over time as the gums heal.

4. You may experience temporary sensitivity in your teeth. Therefore, avoid extreme hot or cold food for fist few days.

5. Avoid teeth whitening or charcoal based toothpaste as it may increase sensitivity in teeth. Instead, you can switch to anti-sensitivity such as Sensodyne, Thermoseal toothpaste to counteract sensitivity.

6. You may experience slight discomfort especially if  huge chunks of deposits were removed. The discomfort will subside within a week.

7. Please do visit your dentist again after 3 weeks for evaluation of the expected outcome and effectiveness of your oral care.


Frequently Asked Questions after Teeth Cleaning

When can I eat after teeth cleaning?

You can start eating almost immediately after teeth cleaning. If anesthesia was used for cleaning, you may need to wait till its effects wear off!


Are there any food restrictions after cleaning?

No food restrictions after teeth cleaning. Although it is advisable to avoid extreme temperature food such as too hot or too cold fluids. Also, avoid sharp foods such as nuts or popcorn for first 24 hours.


Is it normal for your teeth to feel sensitive after cleaning?

Yes! It is usually a transient sensitivity meaning temporary.


How to reduce sensitivity after deep cleaning?

Let your dentist know that you have been experiencing sensitivity. There are several ways to counteract it depending upon level of sensitivity.

For mild sensitivity, you may use anti-sensitivity toothpaste for a while.

For extreme sensitivity, your dentist can recommend anti-inflammatories.


How to use an anti-sensitivity toothpaste for best results?

Apply the toothpaste on your teeth with the help of your fingers and leave it for at least 1 minute. Then take your brush and gently follow the brushing technique recommended by your dentist. (Yes! brushing technique can differ from person to person depending upon age and condition of your gums).


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53A, Shop no 5, Vrindavan Society

Majiwada, Thane West